Series: Whatever It Takes
Message: Miracle Multiplication
This week we looked at the story of the Widow and the Oil from 2 Kings 4. Her story teaches us that we all have 2 things to give - both of which may surprise you!
The unnamed widow was in an incredibly difficult situation. Her husband had died and now she was either going to lose her home or her sons. It was a classic lose-lose situation. In desperation, she went to Elisha the prophet for help.
He first asked her what she had, to which she replied, “Nothing…”
Her answer did not represent what she ACTUALLY had, but rather what she FELT about what she had. She had a small portion of oil that was not worth much of anything. To her it was as good as nothing!
The widow had already counted out the very thing that God was counting on. The thing that was so little she considered it worthless was actually going to be the catalyst for the miracle she needed!
What would you say is something you have downplayed about yourself? It could be a gift, talent, resource, personality trait, etc…
How might God use that thing if you were willing to see it as useful?
The first thing we learn is that we ALL have something to give!
Next, Elisha told the Widow to go door to door and ask ALL her neighbors for empty containers. This is where the Miracle started Multiplying. Every container she received was filled to the brim out of the tiny jar of oil she started with! Eventually she had enough oil to pay her debts, keep her house, and not lose her sons!
This teaches us the second thing we have to give - our CIRCLE OF INFLUENCE.
God has placed people in your life all around you. Some are close friends and family and others are distant acquaintances. God wants to use ALL you have and ALL you are and ALL those you know for His purposes.
The people in your life are there for a reason. If you are willing to use what God has given you, you can live in a way where others get to be a part of what God is waning to do through you!
Last week we made our Pledges to help fund a new space for the gathering, training, and equipping of the MetaChurch Movement.
Some did not give because their offering would be so little. If that is you, it is time to have the faith of the widow and believe that God can do miracles with what little you may have to bring!
This week, we are asking you to be an ambassador to your circle of influence. We are asking you to have the courage of the widow and knock on every door. Give the people in your life the opportunity to be apart of the miracles this movement will continue to see!
It really is simple! Tell people what God has done in YOUR life and ask them to help us make room to reach more people just like you. If they want to join you, send them to the Whatever it Takes site:
Ask God to show you the things you have thought were “nothing” in your life that He is wanting to use! Spend some time thanking Jesus for the gifts he has given you and meditating on how they may be useful to building His Kingdom. Spend time thinking through your circle of influence and asking for courage to get this vision in front of them. When you do have the conversations, whether they say yes or no, know that you are doing your part to multiply the miracle!