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Rap Sheet 1/10/21

Series: REBOOT


Key Verses: Genesis 28:10-16


If you could choose any person from history to be your new best friend, who would it be and why?


Review last week's application commitments. How did the week go? What were some wins? What were some struggles? Encourage each other as we all continue pursuing the life God has for us!


In our second week of "REBOOT" we learned:


In a very real sense, your entire life is a series of Responses. People are responding to Events and Environments around you and you are responding as well. What complicates this reality is that we are not good at anticipating the response of others AND we are inconsistent with how we respond ourselves.

How do you feel you have responded to the events of the last year?

What has surprised you about how others have responded?

The most important area of response in our lives is how we Respond to God. This is the area we must get right to start putting our other responses in line!

In the Jewish Scriptures, we read part of Jacob's story. He was a deceiver and a manipulator - and God still met him right where he was. God had a plan and a purpose for his life. After this divine meeting, Jacob declared, "The Lord was in this place and I did not even know it!"

The first problem with how we Respond to God is our lack of awareness of Him. God is always moving, but we are often so consumed with the problems in this life that we forget to pay attention to the one who GAVE us this life.

What are some things that keep you from paying attention to God throughout your days?

Jacob Responded by building a monument and pledging to give God 10% of everything God ever blessed him with. In doing this, Jacob taught us a valuable lesson:


This equation is found all throughout scripture. When people respond to God correctly, they live a life of purpose and significance. When people are too consumed with the world around them, they struggle mightily!

What might God be revealing to you today that you need to respond to?


How do we RESPOND to what God is doing in our lives as MetaChurch?

Scripture shows us 3 simple Responses that can radically change our lives!

Get Here

Grow Here

Give Here

Get Here - this week we saw how a gallup poll measuring mental health in 2020 found a negative result in every single demographic and category EXCEPT ONE... People who attended their church weekly saw an increase in overall mental health! Scripture implores us to not neglect gathering together and there seems to be good reasons why!

Grow Here - Gathering alone is not enough to see a true REBOOT in 2021. We also must be actively growing. Committing to serving, getting in community, and taking advantage of opportunities to work on the broken parts of our story.

Give Here - Jesus said that where your money is shows where your heart is. In other words, we invest in what we believe in! Giving to your local Church is more than funding the practical parts of the Movement - Giving is part of how we Respond.

Here is your application question for the week:

Are you willing to commit to these 3 responses in 2021 - and if so, how will you be intentional about these commitments?


Spend some time simply being aware of God's presence in this moment. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you eyes to see and ears to hear how It is at work in every area of your life. Make your commitment to respond and reinforce it by asking God to give you strength to follow-through.

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