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RAP SHEET 10/16/22

Series: Recession Proof

Sermon: Eternal Investment

Scripture: 1 Timothy 6

ICE BREAKER: When have you experienced someone else's generosity in an impactful way?


This week we wrapped up our Recession Proof series by focusing on Generosity. We have acknowledged all series long that our desires are inflated and often our money has a hold of our hearts and minds. The natural consequence of our money saturated culture is GREED!

Greed comes in many shapes and sizes and sneaks into our life unannounced. Greed convinces us to buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't even know! Greed keeps us up at night worrying about finances. Greed convinces us to put our hope in our THINGS.

Paul gives timothy the key INSTRUCTION for how to manage the resources we have been given.

Instruct those who are rich not to set their hope on the uncertainty of wealth…

Instruct them to do what is good, to be rich in good works, to be generous

GENEROSITY is the antidote to GREED!

This has a deep spiritual truth to it, but it also has a very practical application! When you are consistently generous, you are forcing yourself to actively fight against greed. You are proving that you OWN your money, your money doesn't OWN you!

Generosity is also a Keystone Habit - One Habit that has ripple effects across many other financial habits! Being generous forces you to organize your money so you know what is an appropriate amount to give away, broadens your financial perspective, makes you more likely to save money for the future, AND is the antidote to greed!

When it comes to Christian Generosity, we help fund Jesus' movement by giving through our local church. However, many churches have taught about giving in a way that does not line up with the instructions to the church in the New Testament. These churches teach the "tithe" which means 10%. The problem is, the Tithe is an Old Testament tax for the nation of Israel - not a command for the worldwide church!

Instead of focusing on WHAT exactly to give, scripture focuses on HOW we should give. At MetaChurch we say it this way:


First - Before we spend ANY other money from our paycheck, we first give to God through our local church.

Sacrificially - We give in a way that costs us something. Our generosity is not based on convenience.

Automatically - Once we determine the amount, or percentage, that we are giving - we give it every time!


Generosity will help fight off the greed that is constantly at our door AND will help us organize our finances as Keystone habit! We give First, Sacrificially, and Automatically through our local church to help fund the movement of Jesus! We are not mandated to tithe - that doesn't mean 10% is BAD, it just means it is a discipline not a demand!

The most important thing in Generosity is the WHY!




What did you learn this week about generosity?

Did anything surprise you?

Giving is a personal act of worship! Don't feel forced to share what you give or how you give - that is between you, God, and your spouse if you are married. However, make sure to wrestle with God and see what it means for you to give First, Sacrificially, and Automatically!

(If anyone wants to know practically the most helpful way to give - it is setting up a recurring gift at


Ask Jesus to make real to you the role that you play within the vision of MetaChurch! Continue to ask God for guidance in how to most effectively steward your resources.

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