Sermon: The Power of Purpose
Scripture: Galatians 5:22-23
ICE BREAKER: What has been your biggest takeaway from this series?
This week we wrapped up our Prioritize series by reviewing where we have been and putting the final piece of our Prioritization Framework in place.
All series long, we have talked about living a Fruitful life. That is a life that Maximizes Purpose, Minimizes Distractions, and Multiplies Impact! In the last message, we learned from the Apostle Paul the specific attributes of a fruitful life!
Galatians 5
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control…
This list is the FILTER for our Priority FRAMEWORK. In a sense, it takes the guesswork out of the process. You can line your life up to this list and, if these attributes are not present, you can be confident your priorities are still not fully in alignment.
What attribute(s) out of this list do you consistently see in your life?
Which attribute(s) in this list do you struggle the most with?
Which one do you desire the most in your current circumstances?
To end our series, we looked in Galatians 5, just a few verses before the Fruit of the Spirit, and saw a consistent theme in Paul's writings - there is one Priority that trumps ALL others! In fact, if you can truly get this ONE thing right, the others will begin to align themselves automatically.
14 For the whole law is fulfilled in one statement: Love your neighbor as yourself.
This is the ROOT of the Fruitful life we so desperately desire! If we Search the Scriptures and Seek the Spirit, if we Pray for Perspective and Prune our Prior Ties, if we build the proper framework and get our priorities correct - IT WILL LEAD TO LOVE!
Over the last 5 weeks we have intentionally built a foundation for Proper Priorities. However, all of these things take work!
In week 1 we learned we must be intentional in order to break free from the past setting the agenda for our future. This happens because we PRIORITIZE - Prior TIES.
Once we have discovered those Prior Ties, they must be Pruned out of our lives. In week 2 we learned how God uses suffering to show us where we need help. Our PAIN is POINTING at exactly what needs PRUNING.
In week 3 we began building our framework. We started with the First Principle - the Word of God. We have both the living Word of God in His Spirit, AND we have the written Word of God in the scriptures. These work together to make our path clear. We must SEEK the SPIRIT and SEARCH the SCRIPTURES.
Last week we learned how to PRAYORITIZE. We looked at the prayer Jesus modeled for us and learned a valuable truth - Until you have proper PERSPECTIVE, you will never have proper PRIORITIES. Prayer allows us to see the world through God's eyes and have the higher view we need to navigate life.
This week we were given the Fruit of the Spirit as the FILTER for our FRAMEWORK.
How will this series stay fresh and relevant in your life? What is ONE WAY you will seek to apply these truths this week?
Spend some time praying together and asking God to cement these new habits into your life. Seek where the Holy Spirit is actively trying to reveal the areas you are lacking in. Be real with yourself and those around you and lean on your fellow believers for help.