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  • Writer's pictureMetaChurch

RAP SHEET 8/13/23

Series: MetaVision

Sermon: Where We've Been

Scripture: Deuteronomy 4:9 / 6:10-12 / 8:1-2

ICE BREAKER: Describe the best parts of the community you grew up in!


As we continue in our MetaVision series, this week we looked back at the history of MetaChurch to find faith for the future that God is calling us in to!

We saw that, throughout the Old Testament, great leaders would call together their people and remind them of all the miracles God had done in their past. We also saw the devastating effects of God's people forgetting their past and losing hope in what God was doing.

As soon as people forgot that God had saved them from slavery, parted the waters of the Red Sea, fed them with manna from heaven, healed them from disease, and so much more - they would become afraid and pessimistic about their future.

The same happens to us! Often the things we complain about today are the very things we prayed for years before. Today's miracles can become tomorrow's grievances if we just forget how good God has been to us.

How often do you stop and reflect on the blessings that God has given you throughout your life?

The Old Testament book of Deuteronomy is Moses' farewell speech to the nation of Israel. In it he outlines the wonders that God had accomplished among the people. It was his last speech before they went in to their new land and he needed them to have their faith sourced in the miracles that God had shown them.

Throughout his speech, he told them to REMEMBER: -What They Had Seen

-Where They Had Been

-How They Had Changed


As we look back on the history of MetaChurch, we have seen incredible things, been brought to incredible places, and our lives have changed in so many ways! We must remember all that God has done!

If We FORGET What God Has Done

We May FORFEIT What God Is Doing

What is ONE WAY you will intentionally remember what God has done in your life in order to build your faith for the future?

PRAY: Ask God to prepare the hearts of MetaChurch for Vision Sunday. Take some time to reflect on the journey you have been on and see how God has come through for you!


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