Message: God's Plan
This week we celebrated Pentecost Sunday - the moment that started the movement!
We looked back on the history of how God's Spirit has interacted with his people. In the Old Testament, the Spirit lived in a temple. At Pentecost, the spirit left the building and took residence in the life of Believers!
Unfortunately, a "temple-mindset" can still plague us from time to time.
What are some ways you have seen a "temple-mindset" in the church today?
How has this affected you personally, or people you know?
Jesus came to start something brand new! At this time we are still "Streaming Together" and now meeting in our buildings. Pentecost is a reminder that God's Plan for this movement can survive, and even thrive, in the midst of anything!
This Pandemic can not stop the church, because the church is not a building! We must fight to break the temple-mindset and realize that we are the church. The Spirit of God is inside of us and has enabled us to make a difference, even in quarantine!
What is ONE WAY you can be more aware that you are now the Temple and the Spirit of God lives in you?
Understanding this truth will revolutionize your life! Living it out will impact the world around you!
This week, spend time thanking God for His perfect plan! He has made a way for us through any hardship! Reflect on the difficult parts of your life right now and find the courage to believe that God will someday use it for your good.
Ask Jesus to help you live out the realization that His spirit is inside of you and seek opportunities to be His hands and feet to the people around you.