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RAP Sheet May 3rd, 2020

Message: Save Yourself


This week we looked at what it means to steward your finances well!

In Ecclesiastes 10:16-19, we read an allegory that led us to a deep truth:

The way that we handle our money is either to PROJECT A PERSONA or to PROTECT OUR PURPOSE.

Most of the world sees money and material things as a way to build an outward appearance of what we want others to see. We use our things to mask insecurities, depression, anger, loneliness, etc.

How have you used money in the past to project something you wanted others to see?

Where does this desire come from?

Can you remember the first time you were aware that what you wore or owned or drove mattered?

How did that realization shape your life?

During this pandemic, we are seeing a separation between people who have been wise with money and those who have not. What is shocking is that where you live, or where you work, or even what you have has ceased to be the main concern.

There are people who have lost minimum-wage jobs that are doing better than those furloughed from 6 figure careers. It is all about whether or not they have SAVED, themselves.


What is your view of money?

How important is it to you?

How often do you stress about it?

When we see ourselves as children of God, we begin to understand that the most important thing in life is living out our God-given purpose for the benefit of those around us. Money is simply the fuel to the life that we have been created to live. However, when we spend money on a fake persona, we are investing in an allusion!

Here is this week's application question:

What is ONE WAY you can begin to Protect Your purpose this week?

In the message, Pastor Clayton gave us 3 primary ways to do this:

1. Start a Budget

2. Pay off Debt

3. Save Money

If you are currently not doing any of these things, make it your mission to start with step 1! Once you have a budget you can make real decisions about how to pay off debt and how to Save money.

If you need help, sign up for Financial Peace University at


Ask God to show you the areas that you are PROJECTING. Spend some time in silence and ask God's help in being brutally honest with yourself.

If you have been unwise with your resources, make a pledge that today is your turning point. Ask the members of your Life Team to help you and hold you accountable.

Seek the Holy Spirit in helping to constantly remind you that you are a child of God and have an amazing purpose in this world.


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